

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Curry

I am Mrs. Curry and I teach 8th Grade English Language Arts. This is my tenth year teaching in the district and I am known for my enthusiasm, positivity, and song parodies. If you are my student, then you are definitely going to have a very unique classroom experience. I love what I do for a living and this school year I'm very excited to work with the second graduating class of Carteret Junior High School! Go Rising Ramblers!

  • Period 1a-Wingman Advisory

    Period 1b-Common Planning Time 

    Period 2- ELA 8

    Period 3- ELA 8

    Period 4- Advanced ELA 8

    Period  5-Prep/Lunch 

    Period 6- ELA 8

    Comments (-1)
Google Classroom Information
  • Google Classroom Codes:

    Wingman: 4z527ye 

    Period 2: xnjs2tq 

    Period 3: n32k3hl 

    Advanced Period 4: d2le67k 

    Period 6: t6hwib6