Period 1a: Literature 7 b2rimsu
Period 1b: Debate 8 hx37e3i
Period 4a: Creative Writing 7 trflwpa
Period 4b: Literature 7 dgnncig
Period 5a: Creative Writing 8 5jqxh5t
Period 5b: Creative Writing 8 wgxtyg4
Teacher Schedule
Period 1a: Literature 7
Period 1b: Debate 8
Period 4a: Creative Writing 7
Period 4b: Literature 7
Period 5a: Creative Writing 8
Period 5b: Creative Writing 8
General Expectations
Be respectful towards every person and all property
No use of profanity and/or vulgar language
Promote learning at all times
Adhere to all district rules and guidelines
Please feel free to get in contact with me at:
Include child's name, class period and marking period in the email, please.
Ramblers Rise