• Physical Education Dress Standards-                                               goal

    *Sneakers - Laced athletic sneakers.  NO sandals, boots, or shoes of any type. NO slip on sneakers.

    *Socks - Socks are required.

    *NO Jewlery including watches, bracelets, rings and dangling earings.

    EXCUSE Procedures

     1. Students are excused from participation with a valid note from a parent/guardian.

     2. Excuses longer than two days must be written by a doctor. These excuses must state the nature of limitations and length of time excused. Students must have a release from doctor to return to participate in physical activity after being off for extended time due to injury or illness. 


    Students are graded on participation preparation and cooperation. Students recieve 5 points a day with points taken off for lack of participation and  cooperation . Unprepared students recieve a 0 for the day. Students who fail to participate will also recieve a 0 for the day.  Grades are updated weekly, please check the portal for gradeprogress throughout the marking period.