One-to-One Technology Initiative

  • The Carteret Public School District offers a one-to-one technology learning environment in all grades 1 - 12. In the 2020-2021 school year, all students in grades 6 - 12 will have 24/7 access to a chromebook for both in-school and at-home usage. All elementary classrooms grades 1 - 5 are equipped with chromebook carts providing an in-school one-to-one technology learning environment.

    Carteret Device Usage Agreement and Student Responsibility Pledge

Online Safety and Security

  • To ensure content is appropriate and students are safe while online, student activity is monitored by GoGuardian.  GoGuardian filters all devices on our network whether in school or at home. Please use the links below to learn more about the GoGuardian service.

    GoGuardian Success Stories

    GoGuardian Student Privacy Pledge