District Information

  • The Carteret School District is a K-12 district located in Middlesex County, New Jersey off exit 12 of the New Jersey Turnpike.  Approximately 21,000 people reside in the 4 square miles that make up Carteret Boro.  We are a diverse urban community with a student population of 3,950.

    The mission of the Carteret School District is to educate the complete individual and ensure the safety and well-being of all community members. Our schools embrace the challenge of addressing the needs of each child and empower all individuals to pursue their goals within an environment which promotes mutual learning opportunities and respect.

    Elementary Schools

    Students in Pre-Kindergarten through Grade four attend one of three elementary schools in the district – Columbus, Pvt. Nicholas Minue, and Nathan Hale.  Our Pre-School Program is open to all students who will be four years of age on or before October 1st. The full day program runs five days week.  Students in Kindergarten participate in a full day program and must be five years of age on or before October 1st (no exceptions).  Minue and Nathan Hale Schools house Bilingual Spanish programs and all three elementary schools offer English as a Second Language services.

    The elementary school curriculum offerings include ninety minutes of Language Arts Literacy instruction and sixty minutes of Mathematics on a daily basis.  Students also receive instruction in Science, Social Studies, Health & Physical Education, Music, Art, Computers, World Language (Spanish), and Character Education.

    Carteret Middle School

    Students in grades five and six are provided with numerous active learning opportunities in academics, electives, and extra-curricula that help develop positive physical, social, and emotional development for each individual student. 
    The Carteret Middle School provides a full range of academic programs for its students including self-contained classes, bilingual and ESL programs, in-class support and resource centers, a full service library media center, computer lab and band.

    Continued emphasis is placed on raising academic achievement especially in the areas of Language Arts Literacy and Mathematics. To help meet our school objectives on the NJASK, all students are regularly assessed and instructed within each course using the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards. Eighty minutes of class instruction are offered to all students in sixth through eighth-grade in Language Arts Literacy and Mathematics. Appropriate computer Language Arts and Math programs are also used as supplements to class preparation. After-school test prep classes are offered to eighth-graders in Language Arts, Mathematics and Science.


    Carteret Junior High School

    Seventh and eighth graders have opportunities to work in a collaborative environment that's more socially and academically challenging than elementary and middle school. 

    Emphasis is placed on the combined developmental and educational needs of students rather than academic subject matter alone, which allows students to keep up with the books, assignments, and requirements of individual classes and teachers.

    The junior high school’s extra-curricular offers opportunities in sports and after-school clubs for all students. Some of these include fall and spring track, basketball and wrestling, the Green Team (school beautification club), Math Olympiad (International Math contests), International Club (promotes positive ethnic diversity amongst students), Student Council (community and school service programs), National Junior Honor Society (high academic achievement recognition), and peer tutoring. The Family School Organization (parent group) sponsors additional activities for students throughout the year, including dances and book fairs.

    Continued emphasis is placed on raising academic achievement, especially in the areas of Language Arts Literacy and Mathematics. To help meet our school objectives on the NJASK, all students are regularly assessed and instructed within each course using the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards. Eighty minutes of class instruction are offered to all students in seventh and eighth grade in Language Arts Literacy and Mathematics. Appropriate computer Language Arts and Math programs are also used as supplements to class preparation. After-school test prep classes are offered to eighth-graders in Language Arts, Mathematics and Science.

    Carteret High School

    Carteret High School offers the student body a variety of programs designed to satisfy their learning needs and their particular interests. The staff of approximately 100 highly trained professional and paraprofessionals provides learning centers and utilize multiple teaching strategies to create educational opportunities and experiences that are second to none.

    The expanded curriculum offers opportunities that not only meet mandated requirements, but also allows students to take advantage of an accelerated academic program. Students wishing to acquire meaningful hands-on experience can take a variety of technical and computer offerings. Advanced offering in the area of Mathematics, Science, and World Language now have become commonplace since articulation has taken place between the high school and the middle school. Advanced Placement courses have been developed in Chemistry, Calculus, American History, Spanish, as well as English. The Project Acceleration Program has allowed students to receive college credit from Seton Hall University and over 200 respected universities. Students may also attend Middlesex County College for college credit if their schedule allows for it. At-risk students may enroll in programs regarding Self-Esteem and Anger Management.

    The student life consists of a multitude of clubs, organizations, activities, and sports programs. Involvement in these activities lends itself to the development of pride in the school and a sense of ownership by the student body. It is the belief of the administration and staff that involvement in these activities goes a long way towards the development of a student’s character. Participation in all extra-curricular activities depends upon compliance with school discipline and attendance policies.

    A Carteret High School graduate will be well-equipped to compete on a level playing field with graduates from other communities. Our top students compete nationally for recognition in the areas of Mathematics, Science and Technology. We take extreme pride in the accomplishments of our graduates who have gone on to excel in the fields of their choice.