Elementary Schools
MUSIC- At the elementary school level, students have general music classes once per week. During class we explore the elements of music using our voices, various instruments, and musical notation. Students will be expected to try their best when singing, dancing, and writing music! We will also study music in a cultural and historical context. Students will learn how musicians work together to create, perform, and respond to music with intent.
CHOIR- All fifth graders are welcome to audition for the Select Choir. Choir provides a great chance for students to learn more about music, hone their voices, and work on performance skills. With weekly meetings during school hours, the choir is a close-knit group of students making music together. They will typically perform two evening concerts a year, in addition to opportunities to perform for the other students in school.
ART- As an elementary art department, our mission is to introduce students to a variety of artists, mediums, different techniques and to demonstrate that art is for everyone. In art class, students improve their memory and concentration skills, they develop decision-making and critical thinking skills, communication, listening skills and focus are enhanced. Art class also helps students to improve self-esteem and social skills and to express themselves in truly individual ways.
Band- Band is an optional class offered to 4th and 5th grade students. Students will learn the basics of instrument technique and reinforce previously learned musical concepts by applying that knowledge to their chosen instrument. Students will have weekly lessons and semi-regular rehearsals to prepare for two concerts each year. The six instruments students can choose from are Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, Trumpet, Trombone, and Snare Drum.
Middle School
ART- At Carteret Middle School, our Art Department continues to grow, inspiring students to develop their creative expression. Our Fine Arts Program includes classes for the 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. In each grade level, students work with a variety of material, consisting of 2D and 3D design, painting and drawing, mixed media arts, as well as brief studies of Art History and Contemporary Art.
CMS also offers a Gifted and Talented Art Program, where students are able to apply for an opportunity to join. In this program, students focus on the beautification of our school community, working on murals, ceiling tiles, and art installations.
For more information about the CMS Art Program, please contact Mrs. Tadejevic.
Music Theory (Grade 6, 7, and 8)
Music Theory (on your schedule as Music 6, Music 7, or Music 8) is a marking-period long course that provides students a foundation for reading and composing music as well as a look into components of our Band and Choir classes. Students in music will explore theory concepts, pitch and rhythm, dynamics and tempo, and composition, but will also gain knowledge with instrument families and beginning vocal technique.
Music Theory II (available for students in 7th and 8th grade that got an A in level 1 the previous year) will review previously learned theory concepts, but will expand into higher-level concepts, such as major scales, key signatures, intervals, and keyboard playing.
Music Theory III (Available for 8th graders that got an A in level 1 and level 2) adds onto level 2 with the exploration of Natural Minor scales, thirds and triads, and chord and chord inversions, all while using keyboards to present information learned.
CMS Choirs- Mr. Michael Gonzalez- Choral Director
CMS Choirs, now heading into its fourth year in 2020-2021, has over 150 members. Our various ensembles not only learn music theory and rehearse music for performances, but also work together and build a rapport needed to grow themselves as young professionals in our community. Our ensembles participate in school concerts and functions, travel to local and regional competitions, and perform and volunteer within the community.
1- Spring Concert Choir- Grade 6, Grade 7, and Grade 8 (Marking Period 3/4)
Spring Choir is a half-year performance class that teaches and reinforces the concepts of confident choral singing and musicianship. Students learn and perform a varied repertoire of three or four songs that includes selection in different styles and languages. Students learn how to read choral music and perform with proper vocal technique, while learning about the rapport and professionalism expected of them in making music together.
2- ♫C.M.eSsence♫ - Carteret Middle School A Cappella Ensemble
C.M.eSsence is a full-year, double-period course that takes place on the stage. In addition to the expectations of our Spring Concert Choir classes, this a cappella ensemble is responsible for exploring and practicing advanced Music Theory concepts and basic Piano and Keyboard skills.
Every year, fifth, sixth, and seventh grade students may audition in the Spring for the following year. This is considered an honors music class. Students who audition and are accepted into the ensemble are expected to carry themselves with integrity and up to the pillars of our Rising Ramblers Pledge. Students will be ambassadors for the program both inside and outside of the ensemble space and will represent themselves and CMS Choirs to the best of their ability.