Students returning to Carteret Public Schools must complete and submit a
Proof of Guardianship-Parents/guardians must submit photo ID with current address and guardianship documentation (court order) if applicable
Proof of Residency - Four CURRENT Original forms must be submitted- property tax bills, deeds, leases, mortgages, affidavit completed by landlord and notarized, voter registration, driver’s license, utility bills, bank statements, credit card statements and any other evidence of residency will be considered
Updated Medical documents may be required upon re-entry
Transfer card and previous school records, transcript, Special Service IEP and reports, 504 Plans and any other records important for the student’s placement
Students moving and/or attending another school district in or out of the state of NJ should complete a
and submit it to Central Registration
A Records Release Form must be completed/sent over from the new school in order to release student records
must be completed and submitted along with all district issued devices.
All documents may be submitted by:
Email: registration@carteretschools.org
Mail: Carteret Board of Education, 599 Roosevelt Ave, Carteret, NJ 07008
Drop off: In the Carteret Board Office "Mail Drop Slot" located at the side of the building by the driveway entrance.