  • 🌟 Welcome to Ms. Wojcik's Teacher Page!! ðŸŒŸ

    Hello All! I am Ms. Wojcik, and I am the Junior High School's Reading Intervention Teacher! 📚

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    So What Will Reading Intervention Look Like?

    What Is Reading Intervention? Reading intervention entails intensive or targeted instruction on reading to accelerate those who are reading below grade level.

    In our new Junior High School consisting of 7th and 8th graders, during Reading Intervention we aim to develop more tailored lessons for each child to address specific needs and learning styles.  Students receive instruction in their major content ELA class, while Reading Intervention is an extra ELA class on their schedule which focuses on filling the gaps and improving comprehension skills overall.

    The major areas that we focus on are: 

    • Word & Novel Studies
    • Fluency
    • Vocabulary
    • Building Comprehension- Through Content Knowledge and Comprehension Strategies
    • Independent Reading Practice 


    Implementing effective reading intervention strategies into our classroom allows students to experience moments of success and even joy through their reading, no matter how short or long the text may be. 

    For many kids, this new school is a big transition, but we will make it fun, exciting, and a memorable year for sure!   


     jr high youth group - Clip Art Library 
You are Amazing!





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