Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s)
Welcome to FIRST GRADE at MINUE SCHOOL! I am delighted to have your child in my class and look forward to a successful school year together.
I am committed to parental involvement in a student’s education. First grade involves a great deal of time and effort. Therefore, I am expecting the very BEST from ALL of my students. In addition, I believe that with teamwork and prepared readiness, we may ALL achieve our goals.
If you have any questions or concerns, I would like for you to contact me first either through REMIND APP via email dagliata@cartertschools.org, I do NOT have or use DOJO!
Unless it is a weekend or a holiday, my Office School Hours are Monday-Friday 7:00–8:20 am & 3:00-5:00 pm. I will respond to your messages during these hours or at my earliest.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation,
Ms. Agliata