Principal's Message
Dear Parents,
Welcome to the Minue School Family! It is a privilege and honor to be the principal of Private Nicholas Minue School. I am proud to say that Minue School is a community of learners where everyone is someone special and is recognized for their individual talents and accomplishments. We have an outstanding faculty, student body, PTO, and parent network which bring enthusiasm, passion, and commitment to the mission of our school. The faculty is committed to providing each child with a quality education that encompasses high expectations, academic achievement, social growth, and character development. Recognizing our students’ unique and diverse academic, social, and physical needs, we promote growth by teaching our students to become critical thinkers, problem solvers, and caring citizens who will be able to function successfully in the future global society.
Our goals are focused on improving student achievement in literacy and mathematics as well as increasing family involvement in the educational program. Technology is also an instructional focus which will provide our students with a strong foundation for understanding the concepts and application of technology in order to facilitate critical problem solving skills.
We at Minue School take great pride in the positive and nurturing learning environment that characterizes our school. We embrace the beliefs that all students can achieve high academic standards and that education is a partnership between home, school, and the community. We look forward to providing our students and families with an exciting and productive school year. If you should have any further questions regarding the educational program, please feel free to contact me.
Educationally yours,
Cheryl Bolinger
732-541-8960 Extension 3065