Phone: 732-541-8960 Ext. 5215


Degrees and Certifications:

Kean University Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education Master's Degree in Early Childhood Education Nathan Hale's Teacher of the Year - 2012

Mrs. Ciamarra

Meet the Teacher


I grew up in Carteret and still have family living in town.  Thereofore, I still spend alot of my free time here, so you will probably bump into me in the local stores or even at events in Carteret Park! 


Presently,  I live in East Brunswick with my husband and two children.   I have been married to my husband, Marc, for 7 years.  We have a 5 year old daughter, Natalia Lynn, who is starting Kindergarten this school year and a 3 year old son, Marco Stephen who is starting Pre-K 3. 


I have my Bachelor's and Master's degree in Early Childhood Education. I started teaching in 2001 and I have spent my entire teaching career at Nathan Hale School.  I have taught grades, Kindergarten through Third.  Yet, I have taught second grade for the longest amount of time. 


I cannot express enough how much I enjoy teaching this age group and I am very excited to begin my 21st year of teaching at Nathan Hale School with your child and you!


The 2021-2022 school year will be the best one yet!

My Children & I
My Family