Hello there & Welcome to Kindergarten!
My name is Mrs. Hernandez. I am so excited to finally meet you and your little ones and am looking forward to this incredible journey together in kindergarten!A little bit of background on me:
I am a certified elementary school teacher in both New York & New Jersey. I have been teaching kindergarten for 7 years and I absolutely LOVE it. It is 100% my dream job! Before making the move South to Carteret, I taught both Montessori and public in my hometown of Jersey City. My favorite thing about teaching K is the challenge of laying the foundations for my students’ academic future. Everything learned at the kindergarten level is critical for success in the upper grades, so this is a responsibility that I take very seriously. As long as I have the support of my families (you), I will continue to do anything and everything I can for each individual child to make sure they reach their full potential. It is my goal to ensure that my students feel safe, happy, confident, and loved every single day they are with me. School is amazing & I want them to develop a genuine love for learning too. This is what drives me as a teacher.
Needless to say, this year our focus will be on both your children's academic and social-emotional growth. Kindergarten is a magical time. Yes, we are learning to read, write, count, compare, explore, and brainstorm... but we are also learning about ourselves, our individuality, self-regulation skills, & our social-skills too.
We have LOTS to look forward to over the next several months! Check in on ClassDojo when you can and please keep up with homework. There will be focus on letter sounds, sight words, math, and handwriting each day. The more we remain on the same page as far as what your child’s academic focus is at any given time, the more they will succeed. Our open parent-teacher communication will play such an important role in their journey towards independence and eventually, becoming first grade ready!
I HOPE YOU’RE READY FOR THE RIDE! LET’S GET STARTED!!!!Please follow this link to view our class' new virtual learning website: https://sites.google.com/carteretschools.org/kinder114
Morning, Afternoon, & RTI Zoom Sessions (begins at 8:30am):
For privacy purposes, please email teacher directly for the link.