Phone: 732-541-8960 EXT. 4106
Degrees and Certifications:
Rutgers College BA in Journalism/Political Science Minor in History Teaching certificate Kean University
Michael Jannicelli
I have been fortunate to have been teaching at Carteret High School since February 1, 2000. I have taught
Financial Literacy, World History, American History, AP US History, African American History, Introduction to Psychology and Latin American Cultures. This year I am very excited to teach AP African American Studies, the first year this course is offered in New Jersey.
In that time period, I have also advised and participated in many school activities, including the newspaper and multipe musicals.
In my spare time, I love to read, visit art museums, and travel.
1st period- US History 1
2nd period-World History
3rd period-ELL US History 1
6th period-AP African American Studies
Period 8-Latin American Cultures
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