Carteret Board of Education Policy 5230 - Late Arrival and Early Dismissal
Absence - The non-attendance of a student in the school district. Students have an obligation to attend school each and every day it is in session. Students are expected to be on time for all classes. Medical appointments and other such matters should be scheduled at times other than school time whenever possible.
Students who are absent may not participate in any type of extracurricular activity on that day. This includes any type of school/club activity, dance, practice and/or game. This applies to all students who participate in trips, sports, play productions, band presentations, etc. Only administrative approval will override the above.
Carteret Board of Education Policy 5200 - Attendance Policy
Regular attendance at school is vital for a successful education. Please be mindful of the following procedures for unexcused student absences:
- Once a student accumulates four (4) unexcused absences, the school must send a letter to the parent/guardian advising the parent of such and require the parent to meet with a school administrator and guidance counselor. For students with disabilities, the CST must be involved to intervene and also to ensure that the action plan is in accordance with the student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP).
- Once a student accumulates between five and nine (5 – 9) unexcused absences, the building administrator is to notify the Attendance Officer. The Attendance Officer will send a letter to the parent advising that action will be taken by the office if the child does not attend school.
- The school must continue to investigate (along with the parent) the cause of the unexcused absences, revising the action plan by establishing outcomes based upon the student’s needs and specify the interventions for achieving the outcomes, supporting the student’s return to school and regular attendance.
- For cumulative unexcused absences of 10 or more, the student, between the ages of six and sixteen, is truant pursuant to NJSA 18A:38-27, and the school district shall:
➢ Make a mandatory referral to the court program required by the New Jersey Administrative Office of the Courts.
➢ Make a reasonable attempt to notify the student’s parents of the mandatory referral
➢ Continue to consult with the parent and the involved agencies to support the student’s return to school and regular attendance
➢ Cooperate with law enforcement and other authorities and agencies, as appropriate
➢ Proceed in accordance with NJSA 18A:38-28 through 31, Article 3B, Compelling Attendance at School.
➢ For students with disabilities, the attendance plan and punitive and remedial procedures set forth shall be in accordance with the student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP).
LATENESS TO SCHOOLStudents entering the building after 8:00AM are considered late to school. Upon arrival, students must present I.D., sign-in at the security desk, receive a signed pass, and report directly to their assigned class. The student’s class attendance will be marked as an unexcused late. Students must enter their first period class prior to 8:00AM. Any student entering first period after 8:00AM will be considered late. Students reporting to school after 4th period will not be admitted unless they have an original signed doctor’s note or court appearance documentation.