• Intro to Design classes working on Flat designs

    Why ART?

    Its no secret that Visual art education is a fundamental component of the human experience.  It reflects the world and the time in which we live. Art can help us understand our history, our culture, our lived experiences, and the experience of others in a manner that cannot be achieved through other means

    I look forward to working with students to discover their inner artists, what they have to say, and hone in on their skills.

    Check back frequently for updates and announcements

    contact me at


                        with ANY questions or comments









  • Mark your calendars for Thursday April 25th


    Come see the impressive artwork created by students throughout the district.

    Art Activities

    CHS Band

    and refreshments for sale

    Plus the chance to win a art kit that is sure to keep you busy for a long time!!!!

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  • Special office hours have been set up for students and parents/guardians.

    Please email me for future information



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