• Architectural Modeling and 3D Printing is a continuation of Principles of Computer Aided Design.  In this half year course students will become familiarized with 3D printing and design. They will continue their learning quest by designing 3D models and have the models 3d printed. Students will  implement the skills that they acquired in the Principles of Computer Aided Design course. After the 3D unit the students  continue with scale models and their uses. Students will acquire knowledge on  how buildings are constructed and will erect a scale model of a house or garage. After modeling, students will learn floor plans and how to identify different types of symbols used on floor plans.. After they have mastered those steps, the students will draw floor plans and elevation views for a dream house. 


    prerequisite required: Priciples of Computer Aided Desing

    Grades 9-12 - 2.5 Credits