• The student will take notes on words related to CO2 Cars.
    • The student will be able to design a CO2 Car.
    • The student will make a CO2 Car out a balsa wood block.
    • The student will paint the CO2 Car.
    • The student will be able to test their CO2 Car on a track.
    • The student will be able to find the speed of their CO2 Car using  mathematical equations.
    • The student will create a four minute PowerPoint presentation about their CO2 Car.
    • The student will present their Power Point presentation to the class.


    Design and make a CO2 Car that will travel as fast as possible on a 80 Foot track using the following material:

    1. Balsa wood block:      1
    2. Wheels:                            4
    3. Axles:                                 2
    4. Sandpaper:                     As needed
    5. Paint:                                 As needed



    1. Weight:  More less 50 grams
    2. Length:   No less than 9 inches
    3. Width:    No less than 1/2 of an inch