• Electric Cars


    • The student will take notes on words related to Electric Cars.
    • The student will be able to design an Electric Car.
    • The student will be able to build an Electric Car.
    • The student will be able to test their Electric Cars on a track.
    • The student will be able to find the speed of their Electric Car using mathematical equations.
    • The student will create a four minute Power Point presentation about their Electric Car.
    • The student will present their Power Point presentation to the class.



    Design and build an Electric Car that will travel as fast as possible on a 20 Foot track using the following material:


    1. Balsa wood --   3   1/2"x1/4" x 36"
    2. Balsa wood--    1    1/8"x3" x 36"
    3. Wheels --            4
    4. Axels --                 2
    5. Motor--               1
    6. Switch--              1
    7. Gears--               As needed
    8. Spacers--           As needed
    9. Wires --              As needed
    10. Hot Glue --        As needed
    11. Sandpaper --    As needed



    1. Weight:   No limit 
    2. Length:   From 4" till 36"
    3. Width:     Between 2" and 4-3/4"
    4. Height:    No limit