Flags of Carteret
The Hall of Flags - 2008 to 2009
I was first approached by Vice Principal Mrs. Hall in 2008 to create a wall of flags to represent the students of Carteret High School. The project was created by the students in my classes. Students that were interested in taking part would pick a flag that represented the student body. The reach of the project slowly grew each day and students that were not in my classes would stop by and let me know of a flag that was missing. Others would ask if they too could participate in the making of the mural. Students would come during their lunch times or a study hall to work on the flags, even after school. The determination, commitment and cooperation was something to behold. I witnessed so many students come together and create a very powerful piece.
The students felt a great deal of pride and accomplishment when they finished each flag. The wall is dedicated to all the students who walk the halls of Carteret High School. Even though we are not working on the flags now, it will always be a work in progress as new flags need to be added to reflect the makeup of our student body. Having the flags painted on the wall expresses the school's great diversity. Portraying the many different cultures that shape America shows pride in the differences we share as a community.